Week 6: Soaking in Summer – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Week 6: Soaking in Summer

Hey y’all,

I’m getting kind of amped up about the Showcase in a few weeks, and generally about the progression of summer. It’s definitely a time for celebration, and summertime in Detroit is sweeter than Bea’s lemonade. Family barbecues, birthday parties, block parties. Oh, and I can’t forget the Eastern Market Frenzy! My program supervisors, coworkers and I actually plan to all head there this Saturday to meet, and tend some vendors. This is very exciting for me. Hopefully, I’ll also get to visit Monroe Street Midway to go and skate, and see some more of Detroit’s historical district this summer.

Talk soon,


2 thoughts on “Week 6: Soaking in Summer”

  1. I’m looking forward to the showcase too! I think it will be super fun and a great culmination of our work this summer. Also, I love the Eastern Market. I’ve only been able to go a couple times, but I’ve always gone super early to get ahead of the crowd.

  2. Ataia Templeton

    That’s wonderful, Myla! I realize it is Sunday at the time of this comment, so I hope you had a great time meeting your team in person. Also, I’m super excited for the Showcase, too. I can’t wait to see what everyone has been working on.

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