I’ve learned so much from being at my site these past couple of months (which flew by!) Being in this type of office work environment was a very new experience for me but it was also enjoyable. I liked having team meetings and small group work albeit in a virtual format, I still feel like we cultivated a similar work culture to what it would be if I was in the office space. Some of the things I learned while being an intern for the News Juicer Foundation were how to manage my time better to complete tasks, insight into not for profit work, and overall to how to confidently and effectively contribute to discussions and voice my opinions in a space where I might not have as much expertise as a coworker. My project has given me a greater understanding of education from a teachers’ perspective as we have been preparing for teacher trainings and we’ve had to consider everything from their point of view.
3 thoughts on “A Reflection on my time with Thinking Habitats”
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Having a say in meetings with more experienced/knowledgeable coworkers can seem really intimidating! But I think that there is so much you have to share, being an intern/young & educated & interested person, and your coworkers are probably very thankful for your insights.
I am so glad that you have been able to grow so much through your experience with your organization. I know the skills you have gained will only help you continue to grow in the future!
I’ve had a similar experience with my site. It’s been entirely virtual, yet I still think the work culture is similar to what would be found in an office. I guess I really have no idea what that’s like because this my first time with “office” work, but the work culture has fit what I expected. In short, we work hard but still have a good time doing it. Glad your experience was enjoyable!