How’s it going everybody! – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

How’s it going everybody!

Hi there! My name is Caitlin and I’m working at Bridging Neighborhoods. The organization is through the City of Detroit and works within the Delray neighborhood doing several housing-related programs for people affected by environmental injustice. I’m interested in climate resilience and public policy, so I was super interested when I read about this project.

To me, community is a place where we feel like we belong and can be ourselves. It’s something we can come back to even if we leave for a bit. Having a community gives you a piece of home that can ground you when you are gone. I think that one of the great things about community is that it can be found anywhere and means different things to different people, but overall makes people feel welcome and valued.

This summer I would like to become more assertive. I could develop this skill by asking for more or fewer tasks when I need it, setting boundaries, or not wavering too much on my word. I think I sometimes conflate my kindness with an absence of assertiveness, and I need to realize that those are two different things!

One strength I have is that I pay close attention to detail, but I can also look at the big picture and come up with creative solutions to problems. I have some experience working at non-profits, so I’m comfortable managing different tasks at the same time and organizing overwhelming tasks so they become manageable.

At the end of this program, I would be proud if I made the most out of this experience by talking with lots of people, exploring the city, being gentle with myself as I navigate challenges, and leaning into the feeling when something good happens. I want to be in the moment as much as possible while I’m here, because nine weeks already seems short!

1 thought on “How’s it going everybody!”

  1. Hi Caitlin! First off, I want to say that I really love your site, Bridging Neighborhoods. Their mission really is important for the city! Second, I totally agree with making the most out of this program. I hope that we can all enjoy our time here, and make meaningful experiences throughout this short time!

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