Week 9: See y’all on campus:) – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Week 9: See y’all on campus:)

Woohoo! Congratulations on being done everybody!

This summer has flown by so quickly. So much learning happened so quickly, and I will definitely keep reflecting on and processing my work this summer as the school year starts. It has felt good to shift into a different gear of intentional community work. Once the year starts I hope I can set aside some mental space to keep learning from the experience. Today one of my coworkers gave a presentation on arcGIS, a tool that I have been wanting to learn how to use. Today is my last day and I wish I could keep learning about how Bridging Neighborhoods uses it. I knew coming in that this would be a brief period of intense learning but having that understanding does not make it easier to leave. One personal thing I have learned this summer is that I have to practice working at a sustainable speed so that I don’t overwhelm myself with my own expectations. Especially in community work, where you really have to be in it for the long haul. It’s not a sprint, and I think that understanding that actually produces better work.

I was worried that I might not make friends here, but I have made awesome friends, and I have so much admiration and respect for every one of you. It feels good to be going into the year knowing that there are such cool people on campus and that I have some new buddies! I remember reading these posts while I was applying last year and enjoying reading how the fellows were cheering each other on in the comments. If you are reading this and considering doing DCERP, you should totally go for it!! It is such a unique program in the way that you determine so much of what you do and have a unique experience at your site but still have the support of the university and the opportunity to meet other Michigan students. I loved talking to the other DCERP fellows about our days.

I am excited to periodically check the Bridging Neighborhoods website to check out their new listings and see progress on the houses! I felt so honored to have the task of talking to community members and communicating their feedback to Bridging Neighborhoods, and am so grateful for every person I have gotten the chance to meet here.

I’m excited to run into you all on campus and say hi!! Have a wonderful August everyone!

2 thoughts on “Week 9: See y’all on campus:)”

  1. I hope you have a wonderful August as well! I really enjoyed hearing about your experience with Bridging Neighborhoods and I am so glad that you enjoyed the time with DCERP. I am glad I was able to meet and get to know you!

    See you around Campus!

  2. What a sweet reflection! I had so much fun getting to know you- have a great rest of your summer! 🙂

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