Reggie Duerst – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Reggie Duerst

Student at the University of Michigan

Week 8: Changes

Recently, I’ve been thinking a lot about changes. I’ve finished the first draft of my “report” on Clark Park, so now I’m making revisions. I’m also thinking through ways to adjust my presentation for the showcase. And, importantly, I’m preparing to majorly change my daily routine: to say “goodbye for now” to my desk at

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Week 6: A List

20 Things I’m Thankful for in DCERP Thus Far (in no clear order): 1. Introductions and welcomes at Clark Park2. Greenspace in the city a. (including:) dorm courtyards for soccer and chit chat b. basketball courts out and about c. some cool, cool urban farms d. bikeability3. When people tell me a story (extra points

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