Since my interview with Malik, I’ve been working on researching and preparing for my next interviews. It’s difficult to get myself motivated for that when I haven’t set a real date for any. I’ve called three different people, but have yet to hear back from them. I put in much more effort to get an interview with Malik; I went to DBCFSN meetings and a work day at the D Town Farm, spoke with him a few times and got his contact information, so when I reached out to him to set a date it went really smoothly. But my supervisor told me he’d been in contact with my next interviewees, so he would just get their information for me and let them know I’d be calling, but they haven’t returned my calls from yesterday. I wonder if I should try and do what I did with Malik and get to know the person & organization before asking for an interview.
The next person I should be interviewing is Marilyn Barber from Earthworks Urban Farm. She’s worked closely with Malik in the past, and I’m assuming they’ll have similar beliefs like the ones I wrote about in my last blog post. I wonder how much I should incorporate what I learned from talking with Malik into these next interviews.
In other news, I’ve really been having so much fun exploring Detroit this past week! One of my girlfriends is taking a class at Wayne and we went to eat the other day after work/class. We checked out this hip lil restaurant on Lafayette Blvd called the Green Dot Stables, where all the food is $3 but you kind of have to order a few things, because they’re pretty small. We got really interesting sliders (one of hers was Korean but w peanut butter? My fav was pulled pork mmm) and hung out and explored a bit. Her sister lives on Trumball, and we went to her house for a bit; I think I want to live in one of those houses some day soon, the architecture is really beautiful and my coworker lives there too and says that the rent is really cheap. I got a membership to the yoga shelter on Forest earlier this week, and have already utilized it 3 times, so it feels like I’m starting to get my money’s worth. Yesterday I went to the John King bookstore, which was so so cool and everyone should definitely go! They have SO many used&rare books; 4 levels with something so cool and different on each floor. I got a copy of The Virgin Suicides which I’ve been wanting to read, and then spent the majority of my evening yesterday after yoga class reading; v creepy and good.
You’re interviews sound like fun, good luck on all of them. Ahh, exploring Detroit sounds so cool! Let me know how The Virgin Suicides goes and I love the John King bookstore!