FSEP Earthworks Urban Farm – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

FSEP Earthworks Urban Farm

In a rly good mood right now because everything feels like it’s going so gooood I just went down to Earthworks Urban Farm to find Marilyn about an interview cuz she wasn’t answering my emails. I had such a nice day down there, picking black raspberries and gooseberries and sweet peas and learning about all their really cool programs and talking to cool and interesting people. Earthworks works with Capuchin Soup Kitchen and the surrounding community; the volunteers are from the area and all the food they grow is served in the soup kitchen for the community to enjoy for free. What a cool concept it’s kind of amazing !! We all ate at the soup kitchen after our work in the gardens. I’m also just really loving everyone in my office– they’re so sweet and funny and fun and we’re all becoming better friends even though most of them are far older than me (like v old). Maggie’s young though like in her 20s and she invites me to come hang with her and her friends around the area sometimes and I’m just so excitedddd about everything rn and the fourth is tomorrow!

So I’m realizing right now that if we write drafts they immediately become public! Very cool news to me–just wanna apologize for a sec about this post lollll, definitely thought I’d come back and turn it into real sentences before posting.

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