Events. Events. Events. – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Events. Events. Events.

This week has been just been a roller coaster. As much as I am trying to finish my work so that I can present it to the board next week. There are also so many events coming up for Michigan Suburbs Alliance and with my supervisor not only being the coordinator for MMC but also the event coordinator, things are getting really busy. One thing I realized is, though not a surprise, that calling people on the phone is not my favorite thing at all. Calling people to invite them to an event and trying to explain to them how to register is not at all funner. But, it is definitely a good experience especially when the entire office is pitching in and calling people. It’ became a calling party!

Besides calling people, there have been little things here and there that have also needed to get done. To add to all of that, my brain is somewhere else this week. I can’t get myself to get past my writer’s block and finish these last few case studies that I need to get done so I can start on my presentation materials. I feel as if I have all this information that I spent the summer research and getting great stuff, but now to bring it all together – that’s tough. I also have to recommend one of my three topics and the hard part is, I like all of them. When you nourish and nurture a topic and write out strengths and weaknesses and opportunities and threats of it – it becomes like your baby. I’ve researched these topics all summer and to throw out two of them and pick one. I can’t do it.

And I don’t think I will. I think I’m just going to present them and at the end say, they’re all great – what do you guys think? Not so sure yet if I can do that and I probably should really be trying to sell them on one of them. I guess I’ll have to talk to Emily about that. Sorry to get all this emotional mush out on all of you – just a bit overwhelmed.

On the POSITIVE side – there are a bunch of GREAT events coming up which I’m excited for. Emily was sad that she wasn’t able to give me enough community engagement but hopefully I get some next week because MSA events are always so. much. fun! I honestly do love the people I work with – they are the kindest, most hard-working people I have ever met.

So there is mappy hour which all of you can come to: It’s next Wednesday at 5 at a bar/restaurant called Honest Johns and my supervisor asked me to invite you all. There’s going to be quite a few different people there so it should be a great way to network. The whole point of it is basically to talk about vibrancy mapping which is figuring out areas of Detroit/metro Detroit which could be great places to revitalize, etc. (At least this is what I think it is supposed to be…).

Until next time.

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