The focus group from last week went really well! We got lots of different input. So the timeline for my involvement on that project is as follows:
Monday 1:00PM: receive an email during seminar asking to talk about the project
4:30PM: I had a phone call from the grad student I worked with and we decided that I would get the transcript done by Wednesday morning
Tuesday morning: start casually working on transcribing the recording of the focus group
Noon: get a call from grad student that tells me to get it done and make a memo for it by the end of the day.
So then Im in a light, subdued panic and begin doing work on it with a bit more urgency. Luckily I was able to push it out by the time I left. Since my project is pretty flexible, that was pretty much the first time I felt a time crunch. I think it was a good experience for me ultimately, as it did allow me to work more efficiently.
On that note, since this project is so fast moving, I think itll be easier for me to get the ball rolling on my poster and abstract and things. Ive also discovered that printing at UMICH would be the cheapest way to print my project out (which is like 1500 pgs some in color) so i might be spending a lot of time at the UM library the upcoming weekends.
Your project is 1500 pages?! I cannot even comprehend how you managed to write that much in our time here. I’m struggling to just write my 10 page report!
I also feel like I work better under a tight time line. I had a month to complete my first project and I was hard to keep myself motivated at times