Well, uh, excuse my last blog post. Apparently hitting “save draft” makes your half-finished blog post visible to the world. Realizing that fact five days later is a bit embarrassing. So sorry for the pointless rambling about “Office Space” and the hectic weeks at the church lately.
As the program is winding down with two weeks to go, I am quite happy with how things are moving along. Data collection and analysis are finished, the results are significant and interesting, my report is nearly complete, and I’m looking forward to presenting my findings at a community meeting this Thursday. There is still a lot of work to do, but I am right on schedule and don’t feel overwhelmed in the least.
I feel really accomplished with the work I’ve done in the program. I worked independently for the most part; my boss only comes into the office on Mondays and Wednesdays, and I was self-directed for the vast majority of the time. I did quality research, designing, analyzing, and reporting on my topic was by in large my own work, and I am pleased with the outcome. Most importantly, I feel that my work is going to help a lot of people. Even though the knowledge I created won’t put food in people’s mouths by itself, it will give organizations a much clearer picture of the problems they are facing and hopefully maximize their impact on their communities. And I’m very proud of that. As I finish this program and move on to other things, I’ll be satisfied with the knowledge that I did something that had some impact on a lot of lives, no matter how subtle that impact might be. I’m honored to have been given the opportunity to do so, and though I always think there is more that I should have done, I think that I did well with that opportunity.
There is still a lot more work to be done, but the big picture of what I am doing is in the forefront of my mind as my work is coming to its finish. Best of luck to everyone in the final weeks of the program! I’ll follow up with a post later this week after I present my findings to the community.