Mini Reflection – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Mini Reflection

Week 8!! I can’t believe there’s only two more weeks left in the program. I feel like leaving Detroit is going to be bittersweet because I’ve really enjoyed living in the city this summer but I’m excited to move back to Ann Arbor as well. I’ve never been a stranger to the Detroit but I’ve never experienced living here either. Two entirely different experiences if you ask me. I know I still have some time before doing a reflection piece this summer but here’s a mini snippet.

I think my favorite part of this summer was living in the dorms with everyone in the program and getting to know everyone to some extent. I tried making a list of all the memorable things I’ve enjoyed about Detroit/CBRP thus far but I’m sure there’s still a lot I forgot to mention!

  • Living in the dorms
  • Walking to work with Kerrel……despite those ridiculously HOT days
  • Rhonda, my boss
  • Working in the communities
  • Going to my first protest
  • Meeting Dr. Paul Mohai
  • Slows BBQ
  • Making friends with other interns in the dorm
  • Woodside Bible Church
  • Hearing the history of Detroit multiple times from community members
  • Detroit filing for bankruptcy
  • Brunch at Belle Isle

One thing I’m really going to miss though is working with Rhonda. I feel like she’s given me so much more than I’ve given her this summer. She’s taught me life lessons, work ethic and what it means to be a community organizer. Although I wish there would’ve been more research at times, the hands-on experience I got from working with the communities is probably more valuable in this line of work than anything!

That’s all for now since I want to save the rest for my last blog post but here’s a picture of me at the radio show we were a part of this past week! It was pretty awesome.


1 thought on “Mini Reflection”

  1. I’m so glad you’re going to be leaving Detroit with a positive experience and memory of the city! I feel the same as you have – I was never exactly a stranger to Detroit, but coming here a couple of times a year for various sports games and shows is completely different from living here full time, and I’ve loved this summer, as well! It’s also great to hear that you’ve learned so much from your boss – I think that’s another positive experience and those lessons will probably aid you so much in your future. 🙂

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