Pretty Stickers – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Pretty Stickers

Who doesn’t like smiley face stickers?

My supervisor gave Sherrion, an intern, and I the task  of plotting all the medical clinics/centers, churches, schools, cleaners, Fresh Corner Cafe stores, and banks in Detroit. Noam, my supervisor pulled out pretty colorful smiley face stickers. My face lit up like a kid.

Sticker colors:

1) Blue – Schools

2) Red – Medical Clinics/Centers

3) Yellow – Cleaners

4) Green – Banks

5) Purple – Churches

6) Car sticker pieces – FCC stores

At first, it was challenging plotting the stores because some of the streets were cut off on the map and certain streets weren’t  present because of the magnification of the map. Luckily, it became easy to plot because of the familiarity of the streets and their locations.

I had to do a lot of ‘talking to myself’ to plot the places at a nice pace. An employee could not get over the fact that I had to talk aloud to myself about where to plot the stickers.

Finally, I had something to do that made me smile and feel free, like a kid without worries.


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