Letter to my Future Self – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Letter to my Future Self

I am writing this letter sitting on my bed face timing Ornela while taking in the amazing view from my window. When I look up I can see the darkness of the night slowly creeping up while at the same time revealing the beauty of the city, Detroit. The trees are a nice sight right about now and I can only image what the next ten weeks here will be like. Honestly, I am excited but at the same time nervous because I usually like to be in control of every aspect of my life, but in this situation I do not have control. Maybe some control. So far the other individuals in this program seem nice and friendly and I am only hoping that these coming up weeks will open opportunities for all of us to come together and get to know each other a little bit more. The most important aspect about this program is the fact that it provides a lot of possible opportunities for me to explore this city in hopes of learning new and exciting lessons.When I look around the city of Detroit I feel a little sad at what this wonderful city has dissolved into. Driving around this city sometimes makes me sad and wish I could help if I had the funds and help. I have told numerous times how beautiful this city used to be and it was also full of opportunities for each and every person. I do however believe there is still hope for this was amazing city

This program will definitely open opportunities for me to learn more about the Detroit Public School and what goes on behind he scenes. My greatest fear is not being able to complete every task given to me and falling behind therefore creating a negative impression for my supervisor. Although this was not my first choice as far as projects go, I am willing to give it my best and learn a great deal about the public school system in the process. I know I am hard working and determined in everything I set my mind to. So with that in mind, I know this summer in this wonderful city will only bring amazing experiences that will provide me with memories to share in my lifetime. I hope my future self can reflect back on this letter after the ten weeks here and be proud of what I will accomplish. Until later Goodbye

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