Entry #1: Dear Chelsey – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Entry #1: Dear Chelsey

Detroit and this program may not have been what I expected when first moving in. So far I’ve been a whole lot more homesick and frustrated than I originally expected to be, but that’s okay. I’m not going to worry too much, I’m sure things will have been worked out the next time I/you read this. You will no longer have problems getting up early or getting lost driving the streets of Detroit. I hope you will have made lots of friends though this program , explored this city and have really built a great working relationship with your supervisor. He seems a bit stressed and overworked, I can’t believe he manages millions of dollars for the school systems all by himself! I’m glad you will have been so much help to him and hopefully in finding compelling survey evidence to convince more schools to join the DPS Go Green Challenge. Not only do I want you to convince more people to become sustainable but I also want you come up with new innovative ideas for the program, ones that you’ve never thought of before even though you’ve already been exposed to so many in your studies. I’m sure you will come up with some great outside the box ideas that would never even occur to me right now. Finally I would like to say that remember that your expectations and your goals for this program should be always changing and progressing. You can do it, good luck!

Love, Chelsey

P.S. Don’t be afraid to take more pictures! 😉

2 thoughts on “Entry #1: Dear Chelsey”

  1. I’m so glad to hear that you are open-minded and optimistic about the future of Detroit because so often we see negative stories in the media and uninformed opinions from those in the suburbs. Moreover, it is healthy to be nervous before starting a new project and being in a new environment. Just try your best and don’t be afraid to ask for help! With that in mind, I bid you good luck!

  2. I very much relate the the homesick part. I am feeling a little overwhelmed, but I am also optimistic about what I can do in this program! Your placement sounds like so much fun and I hope that you have a fantastic time!

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