Week One: Letter to Self – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Week One: Letter to Self

Dear self,

How does it feel to actually be in Detroit? Isn’t the culture, the people and the energy of Detroit just eye opening? The cafes, restaurants, museums and other notable features make Detroit such a unique community. Pay attention to everything and everyone around because important moments are easily missed.

This internship is a new experience that may be overwhelming and frustrating at times, but don’t let fear and insecurities hold you back from doing what you want. Be sure to take advantage of the next ten weeks to try all things new and foreign and soak up all that Detroit and the Regional Energy Office have to offer.

Working as a fellow at the Michigan Regional Energy Office is such a valuable opportunity.  As you work on the Energy Management Plans and the LED street lighting initiative throughout the summer, try to stay organized. You will learn not only data collection and manipulation, but leadership in the public sector. Being able to work with individuals at various levels and from various backgrounds will help you become a better team player and a more effective speaker. You have met some incredible people in the last of couple of days that makes everything seem kind of too good to be true. You should definitely expect more surprises to come from the other municipalities. I hope that you will use this opportunity to learn more about environmental initiatives and about yourself. As you go through this experience, be open to other interests and consider career options in the public sector.

P.S Meet as many people as you can and always be appreciative. Your roommate, carpool buddies and co-workers are great so be sure to tell them thank you from time to time



1 thought on “Week One: Letter to Self”

  1. Nice post Carmen! In my opinion, you’ve had a great start with the REO and have already had many great times in the city. Also, thank you again for the baklava!

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