Entry #5: Cancer and arson – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Entry #5: Cancer and arson

Today, I was shocked to hear that the Heidelberg project has been the target of arson. Why would anyone destroy beautiful artwork, a bright-spot in a city plagued by blight? Curious for more information and hopefully an answer to my question, I searched for “Detroit arson” on Google and I stumbled upon an article from today stating that police arrested a man who allegedly set fires in two buildings this past Monday. Being a press-release, the article offered little more than the details as to what happened–no quotes or analysis to answer my question. Thus, I began my journey across the web, reading countless articles on the many acts of arson occurring in the city, few offering any insight as to why the crime was committed. Hence, I was forced to develop my own theory regarding the psychology behind Detroit arson, and it’s quite simple.

I believe arsonists differ from their non-fire-setting counterparts because they’ve lost hope.

Lacking an understanding of our buildings’ importance, the cells that up the body of our city, arsonists act as a cancer and destroy these precious establishments. They hold no regard for the future of the city, and do not mind dismantling it, disrupting the hard-work of many seeking to change the city for the better. I recognize that arson may be more financially motivated than emotionally motivated; however, even financially motivated arson reflects a lack of hope for life improvement, a key ingredient to a cancerous attitude. Not believing the city can provide the employment needed for fiscal sustainability, arsonists simply burn what they perceive to be a useless mass in return for what they hope will be a hefty sum of insurance money they can use to relocate. Thus, I believe the prevalence of arson suffered by the city reflects waning hope within a larger percentage of folks than most cities possess.

Thankfully, a cancerous attitude is easier to cure than cancerous cells.

Through increased communication with all residents of the city, further development, and smart policy moves, we can reinvigorate those possessing cancerous attitudes with hope and focus on building this city versus burning it.

Here’s where my journey began: http://www.clickondetroit.com/news/man-charged-with-arson-obstruction-of-justice-following-2-fires-in-detroit-buildings/26750450

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