Week 5: who knew parks could be such a scandal?! – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Week 5: who knew parks could be such a scandal?!

“Duggan announces plan to maintain, increase workforce at Detroit parks”


My project this summer concerns parks (particularly in District 3), so I figure I should keep it consistent and write about a topic that I have a bit more insiders knowledge on… (PARKS). The article itself is relatively broad and basic. Its author, Matt Helms, reports that Mayor Duggan has set a new standard for the parks of Detroit in the new administration. With the help of community groups, churches, and businesses, more parks will be better maintained, and thus ready for public use. In past administrations, Bing, in particular, park maintenance has been the least of the city’s concerns. News that green space is a priority is a great thing. 

Unfortunately, the story around District 3 isn’t so bright and sunny. The Duggan administration is indeed pouring more money and effort into parks and rec, it’s obvious to visitors and residents (maybe a bit more obvious in the premier neighborhood areas, like Midtown and Downtown). The inconsistency currently lies at Lipke Park, where the ever-evolving controversy with the sale to the Salvation Army keeps getting more complicated (and scandalous.. ahmm Scott Benson, the District 3 Councilman, arrested for DUI Sunday  http://www.freep.com/article/20140630/NEWS01/306300100/Benson-drunk-arrest-Detroit). After multiple appearances at City Council protesting this deal because of total lack of community involvement, paired with the community’s distaste with using their recreation space for the Salvation Army’s (and only the Salvation Army’s) benefits, the Salvation Army is still forcing itself through to victory of the land with no objection from the city of Detroit. Isn’t the Duggan administration supposed to be protecting these greenspaces? And even if he wasn’t, shouldn’t the council be listening to the community, rather than the Salvation Army, as it is their job to represent the community? Just goes to show you never know the whole story. 

Challenge the accepted rhetoric! I’m sure there will be more to come on Lipke!

Until next time,


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