Entry #10: Hats Off – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Entry #10: Hats Off

Well, we’re almost done folks.

Ten weeks in the bag, just like that.


It seems like just yesterday I was moving in and witnessing Chris puke ever so gracefully (ask him about that one if you haven’t already).

Just as I said I would in that first blog post, I grinned like a buffoon after reading it again today.

And then came the memories.

And that buffoonish grin turned into a display of pearly whites.

I couldn’t have asked for a better job, city, and people to share the adventure with. I never anticipated that I would have done even a quarter of what I did. From having dance parties in the office, to making friends with a pit-bull named Tequila, I feel like I’ve done it all.

But there is so much left to do.

Like I’ve mentioned in previous entries, I feel like I’m finding new things to do in this city every single day. New sights to see, new places to go, new people to meet, NEW NEW NEW.

I’m glad that I did all the exploring that I did, and I credit a lot of that to my new friend/sister Noor. Thank you so much for getting me out of my comfort zone and guiding me through both my physical and mental expeditions this summer, and I look forward to continuing the journey:)

But anyways, I’m happy.

I’ve learned a lot this summer. I learned how to live in an urban environment. I learned how to succeed in an office environment. I learned how to cook chicken and enjoy peanut butter sandwiches for lunch everyday except for Thursdays. I learned how to..

Well, I still need to learn that, but never mind..one day.

I guess I shouldn’t say that I’ve learned to do those things (except the chicken and peanut butter sandwich thing), as there is always more to learn. However, I will say that I have established a few new foundations of knowledge upon which I hope to expand my understanding as I continue to mature.

Well hey, I’m getting tired and I’d like to catch some Zs before my last day of work tomorrow (aka eating pizza, sipping “Boston coolers,” and eating Dutch Girl Donuts), so I’m just going to put out a few of my conclusions I’ve reached this summer:

1) Detroit is awesome. The city is up-and-coming and I couldn’t be happier to get the chance to be a part of the revitalization process.

2) The Michigan Suburbs Alliance is perhaps even more awesome. Though the name isn’t that cool, hence our organization’s ongoing transition, the people are incredible and I look forward to working with them for the foreseeable future.

3) There are some pretty cool kids at U of M that I never knew existed.

4) Chicken and peanut butter sandwiches are great–separately of course…maybe I’ll try them together one day.

5) Adventure is out there.

So to my readers, have a goodnight (or morning..or afternoon, depending on when you’re reading this), and hats off to all the experiences and people I’ve had the pleasure of sharing them with this summer.

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