Week Four – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Week Four

downloadA whole new World. Detroit has blown me away so far this week. From the fireworks over the river, to the work I get to do at my placement this week has been a completely fresh experience from the rest of the program.

Finally my research is really rolling, and the amount I can help this small health clinic is becoming clear. The exact research I am doing as of now centers around creating the infrastructure, and acquiring the resources to incorporate telemedical practices at aihfs. Allowing for the family practitioners here to take videos of patients eyes which then can be sent to more specialized doctors for examining. This technology is not only cost effective, but allows for quicker diagnoses of deadly diseases such as diabetic retinotherapy.

After this system is successfully up and running I will work to help streamline the clinics EHR, and hopefully make it easier for all of the employees here to use their EHR program to its fullest potential.

This placement is unreal in its commitment to its cause, and the amount of work its employees are willing to put in on a daily basis. It is inspirational working here, and being able to feed off the energy of my fellow employees.

2 thoughts on “Week Four”

  1. I heard the fireworks were awesome! I have been pleasantly surprised with Detroit as well! I stumbled upon a few gems this past weekend and cannot wait to explore some more. I love the energy at my workplace (Green Garage) as well. I feel motivated just being there!

  2. Lucho,

    Great to hear that you are enjoying your new placement. I am curious to hear about the morale of the place. It seems as though they are trying to tackle some pretty large issues and I would like to hear how the staff feel about taking on such large tasks. AIHFS sounds like an awesome organization!

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