Soccer is much more fun in the rain, or should I say football – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Soccer is much more fun in the rain, or should I say football

It always seems like the United States of America always want to be different in some way or another from the rest of the world. Not only do we use the good ole imperial system but we also like to say Adidas in a completely different way relative to the rest of this world. In the US, Americans like to stress the second syllable in the the word, resulting in ahh-DEE-das, while the rest of the world , like Brits, Germans, and other European Countries, like to to stress the first syllable, resulting in AHH-dee-das. The second one sounds so much better, wouldn’t you agree?

Although that is all besides the point, we need to come to the realization that there is one bigger Issue out there. This issue  has developed and grown into one of the biggest sport related incidents, BIGGER THAN THE DEFLATEGATE!,is the difference between football and football. On one side of the debate Americans claim that football is the better sport, while the rest the world claims that football is the superior sport. Football vs Football, who would know that you could compare two different sports with the same name, I think there is a word for that. One way or another we all know which is better, because the answer is obvious. Although, instead of telling you myself why don’t we relate this whole post to an out of work experience that just took place. The championship match between two furious soccer team with only one goalkeeper.

The match was intense, and nothing short of fun. Bodies were not only flying towards the ground, but so was the soccer ball. In the early heat of the match our team took the lead. Our team was made up of no one other than Dominic, Luke, Eva, and myself, while their team was made up of Collin, Gabe, Gwen, and Kaia. There was also a number 1 pick (goalie) named Rebecca. Overall the competition was for the most part evened out. As soon as one team scored the other followed right after.  Although in the interest of time, we ultimately won the game 2-4 with our wacky celebration shortly right after: “The Fish Reel” & “Strike!”.

-Despite the fact that all of this would have happened a day before hand, a lot of people in our group me seemed scared that it was going to rain, so we decided to re-schedule it for the following day. All I have to say is that everyone needs to try soccer in the rain at least once in their life. You will not regret it, it is the best thing ever.

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