Seminar at the Detroit Center are usually interesting. Being able to be exposed to different aspects of research and the various placement is exciting. Although, most of the seminars were engaging and filled with valuable information, my favorite seminar was when we learned about grant funding. A guest speaker had presented a system to find out what issues the vast majority of the community would like to enhance, learn more about or issues they felt needed more attention. The first step in the system was to individually give funding to different issues like healthcare, mental health, caring for loved ones, and children. We then had to determine the amount of funding which was the most complicated because we only had a specific amount to give. The last section of the game was to determine funding with the hold group which was a little more different because we all had different opinions. Sometimes we were able to agree on which issues were the most important ,but we would not agree on the amount of funding for each issue. The challenges helped me learn more about the community as a whole opinion ,but also the issues that effect their lives the most whether it is healthcare or elder care everyone voted based on their own life experience which made the game unique. From the game I was about to learn more about grant funding and a sense of how to learn about the communities opinion.