Dear Dorian,
You’ve finally got a real job, and a real desk (I think the desk is made out of some weird collated plastic, but it’s your collated plastic now!!!) I want you to know that you are going to do great things this summer. I don’t really know what you’re exactly going to do but it’s going to be great. I know that you’re going to do your best help people and serve your community. Let’s talk about how blessed you are that in the time it takes you to sing one Rihanna song you can drive from work to your grandma’s house (Tonight she’s cooking roast!!). I want you to recognize that you are doing what you have planned to do with your professional life; you are helping and working for the wonderful city you grew up in. A lot of people can’t say this but you are truly following your dreams (you might end up as a target cashier woman, but we can figure that out later). You love the city of Detroit. You have been shaped by the people in this city and now you have the opportunity help shape other residents lives for the better.
You chose to work at Focus Hope and as the summer drags on I want you to remember why you chose this place. You know the good that Focus Hope does, or attempts to do, through its programs. You know a lot of the people who work here want the best for this community. Don’t forget that earlier in the day one of your pre-school supervisor recognized your name and came over and gave you a pretty good hug. You need to do your best to make the people who have put time and effort into making you the person you are today proud. Remember to set goals and put in work, so you can achieve those goals. Go to infinity and beyond for this organization and for you community.
Love, Yourself
What a spectacular photo. Dorian, you’re hilarious.