Dear Will,
(I write this after my second day of work for Fresh Corner Cafe)
So far, my experience has been better than my initial expectations. My fellow colleagues are inclusive and energetic, a strong combo. Living with my suitemates will not be an issue, and I’ve enjoyed hanging out with them so far. Regarding my work, I am very fortunate to be in such a spectacular environment. The Green Garage is a truly innovative and pleasant space; not all workplaces will be even close to this. Noam and Val, my bosses, are hardworking and passionate about what they do. I know that my bond with them will strengthen throughout the ten weeks. Brett and I are so far just getting acquainted with the workers and space, but we have been put to work, also. Our goal is to complete a survey that will eventually be our form of interviewing the Fresh Corner customers by the end of this week, a task that is attainable but occupying. We have already edited a grant proposal for Noam and Val. Detroit has been more walkable, but definitely quieter than I expected (walkable as in I work close enough to my dorm). I have been to Detroit countless times, but I have never actually spent a night here. I can see how essential it is to have a car. Wayne State’s campus is bigger than I thought. I actually never knew that there was a “diag” type of space with walkways and such–super happy about this. The next ten weeks will be livable, busy, and a fantastic experience. The transition is stressful in some aspects, but every minute becomes easier.