It’s your first official job and you’re three days in.
You want to quit but you’re gonna make it to the end.
This is your city and you’re so close to home.
Remember that you can handle everything that’s going on.
The dorms are cold and the office is too
But who is better suited for this type of work than you?
The work is real and the stress doesn’t make it any better.
Yet, you have to do quality work incase you need that recommendation letter.
Try to make friends because I’m sure the people are nice.
This is your time, so try to live a memorable life.
With Love,
You’re a poet?! This is so creative!!! Hope things get better for you throughout the rest of the program.
I love the unique poem format of this post. I am very curious to see if you will keep it up or it was a one time thing…. anyway, if you need another blanket lemme know (: