One Man’s Trash is Another Man’s Treasure… – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

One Man’s Trash is Another Man’s Treasure…

Pictured Below is the newest edition to the Brilliant Detroit homes. This picture was taken at the beginning stages of the renovation process. The home is currently being completely renovated by volunteers from the community. This week my colleague Flora and I were able to take a trip to see the progress on the home. Trust me when I say it looks ABSOLUTELY AMAZING now. I know its hard to believe from this before picture but you are going to be stunned when I post an after picture in a couple of weeks. IMG_3509.JPGAside from just going to see the progress on the home, Flora and I were able to ride around and just get a feel for the neighborhood. The people in this neighborhood are absolutely amazing. When we were driving around I noticed many different community spaces such as a new basketball court, countless community gardens, and a few different community playgrounds. It was pleasantly surprising to see that the neighborhood was lively and people were out and about which hasn’t been the case in some of the neighborhoods that I have visited in Detroit so far.

Right across the street from our home is a community store called Peaches and Green. The store provides fresh and affordable produce to the neighborhood and is run completely by and for community members. Flora and I were able to meet a few of the staff and vowed we’d be taking our next grocery trip there (It’s right down warren, I don’t have the exact address but I can get it if anyone is interested in checking it out!).

I think by far the main reason why I fell in love with this neighborhood was the fact that there is an old man’s club that sits outside of our home daily and guards our home when staff and/or volunteers aren’t there. Flora and I were able to meet the guys and a couple other people from the neighborhood. Aside from the old man’s club being literally the most adorable thing ever, I was so amazed at how much the people in this community seem to care and want better for themselves and their community. We could tell everyone we encountered takes a lot of pride in their community and it was such a beautiful thing to see. I can’t wait for the doors to open at this new location. I know it is going to be a huge success :).



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