Is that a panda?? No it’s just Desiigner’s cars! – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Is that a panda?? No it’s just Desiigner’s cars!

                 I have seen a different part of Focus Hope since I began working there 3 weeks ago. I knew about a lot of Focus Hope’S programs but I did not have the opportunity to really talk to the people in those programs and see the true value of what Focus Hope is doing in the community.  Focus Hope has many instructional and training programs, but the program I find the most interesting is the Machinist program. The Machinist is program helps under-represented groups break into the Machinist trade. The Machinist training program was one of the first program started by Focus Hope and has been a flagship program for close to fifty years.  This program has graduated thousands and has helped so many people get back on their feet.

Machinist Training Floor

               Focus Hope is an organization that is really connected with the community. Through the newest initiative, The Hope Village Initiative,  Focus Hope has taken a  look at the surrounding community and has decided that they did not do enough for the people who live around Focus Hope. As a person who grew up   around Focus Hope and attended Focus Hope programs as a child,  I have always wondered why more people in the community were not informed or aware of the programs that Focus Hope offered. I think it is fabulous that Focus Hope noticed that there was a need in their own community and has begin to take steps towards meeting the needs of their neighbors.

             No organization can be perfect, but I truly believe Focus Hope is striving to be the best it can be.  I truly believe most Of the people I work with,in some type of way, want to help the people in the community and the people in Detroit. It is nice to work for an organization that is true to its Mission and continues to strive to be better. Last week we were informed that the current CEO (William Jones)is stepping down, and the person who will be replacing him will be Jason Lee.  I have known Jason for a very long time. I have been enrolled in programs that Jason was in charge of. I do not know a better person who would be fitted for Focus Hope than Jason Lee. I think the choice and new CEO shows how much Focus Hope pays attention to the needs and wants of the community and its own focus on its goals.

             On  my second orientation I was given a tour of the area surrounding Focus Hope and it really amazed me. I knew that there was a lot of land in Detroit that  did not have homes or businesses, or structures on it, but I did not know the true extent until I went on this tour.  The piece of land that I saw on my tour was like seeing Detroit in a whole new light. On the Land There were pheasants ,dears, rabbits, and other types of wild animals. I never thought that I would see that in the city. Being from the city the only Wildlife I really think about it crazy squirrels and angry cat.

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