Week 3 – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Week 3

20160616_171943Week three was the busiest and most exciting yet. I feel like I’m really falling into place with my coworkers at the office, especially my boss. Being able to understand my supervisor’s work style and communication makes work a lot less stressful. The increase in my interaction with the community is also playing a big part in how happy I am at work. Between meetings with the shakers and movers of Detroit and everyday experiences with the people of Parkside I think my placement has the perfect balance for me. I appreciate the opportunity to learn about projects and panels through the many meetings I’ve been attending and the less exciting tasks of handing out fliers or staking food for the biweekly pantry. The mix of planning and action suit my personality and work style well so I never feel like I’m working toward and accomplishing a goal. On Monday we start the summer lunch program for the local kids and I’m looking forward to meeting the children of Parkside. I was lucky enough to meet some already when I sat in on a girl scouts meeting the other day and helped the girls plan a fundraising fair.

1 thought on “Week 3”

  1. Nice. Excited to see how its going to progress for you and glad that you are enjoying this part of your journey.

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