Week 2 – DCBRP Micah Griggs – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Week 2 – DCBRP Micah Griggs

Save money. Save the planet. Save your health. 

EcoWorks is a Detroit based non profit organization that provides services at the intersection of community development and sustainability with an emphasis on sustainable development as it relates to building and improving affordable, energy efficient residential housing and commercial buildings. EcoWorks’ work is so important because our energy usage impacts us and our planet in multiple ways. The more energy we use in our homes impacts our utility and water bills, poor equipped housing can negatively affect our health, and the more resources we use, without the consideration of energy savings, can reduce the resources of planet Earth. EcoWorks help low income residents reduce their energy usage while lowering their utility bills and improving their health. They do this work by having residential education workshops, weatherizing homes, and working with stakeholders in over 150 municipalities in Michigan to create and enhance policy to be more energy efficient driven.

Before weatherizing or sometimes before hosting residential education workshops, EcoWorks ask residents questions about their health, their homes, and their utilities. I will be creating a new and improved survey for residents in a multifamily affordable building and then providing suggestions to the organization and building owners for energy efficiency improvements for the building. I am excited about the work I am doing because I get to improve my research skills and work hands on with the residents of Detroit to improve their living conditions. Also, I’m looking forward to the data from my survey!

I’m loving Detroit and learning new information every single day. The Black Scroll Tour on Tuesday was fantastic and very eye-opening! I think a very important part of the work that we seek to do in Detroit is acknowledging and addressing the multiple stories and people that are often unheard or silenced. So, I am very glad that DCBRP got to experience that.

Excited for the days and weeks to come!


2 thoughts on “Week 2 – DCBRP Micah Griggs”

  1. Cescily Marie Barnes

    Hey Micah,

    It’s pretty cool that EcoWorks focuses on sustainability within the communities of Detroit, as the impact of energy usage affects one’s ability to live healthily and comfortably afford their home. The Black Scroll Tour was everything! Without the tour, I would have never thought about the historical developments Detroit has gone through throughout the years. I’m glad that you enjoy working at EcoWorks so far and look forward to reading the rest of your blogs these next 8 weeks!

  2. Erin Marcus Rhodes

    Wow, your intern organization seems pretty cool! From what you told me about your post-graduation plans it seems like you’re in the perfect place to earn relevant experience. I hope you make the most out of this opportunity, and have tons of fun along the way. Keep up the good work, Micah!

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