This Might Be Slightly Off Topic – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

This Might Be Slightly Off Topic

Cultures are what unite us not divide us.

Yeah no…let us not do that. That sounds that the beginning of every PowerPoint presentation that U of M shows to the incoming freshman. That sounds like the beginning of every conversation I have with white people. That sounds like something you have already heard and I have already written. So for once let us not talk about culture.

I want to talk about kids roasting each other in a playground that has transformed into a oven preheated at negative fuqs degrees. I want to talk about humidity and how me and that girl need to have a long conversation that ends in “Don’t come over here anymore.” I want to talk about smiles and how they are one of the few things that don’t need translation. Most of all I want to talk about Maddy’s incredible lack of bowling posture but surprising strike.

See how we just talked about culture and no one felt like we had solved racial divides. See how we just talked about culture and no one felt attacked. See how we talked about culture and we talked. You heard and listened what I and to say and felt no need to stop me. I am willing to listen because you heard me.

And yes, cultures are what SHOULD unite and NOT divide us but don’t about it that way. Culture is that when I was growing I played Grand Theft Auto and climbed trees with my brother. Culture is that I don’t use swear words in front of my mother. Culture is that I am one of the few people who don’t yell at customer service representatives. Culture is beautiful.

3 thoughts on “This Might Be Slightly Off Topic”

  1. Aww this is so beautifully written. Look at your creative writing and poetry skills coming out! *clap emoji* And yes, this was very off topic but it still serves a purpose. I think a lot of people forget that culture isn’t solely based off of race and religion; it can derive from something as small as repeated behaviors.

  2. I didn’t know that you were studying creative writing! It’s clear from reading your posts that you are very talented so that’s great that you’re doing that. Also you’re crazy because you are taking maybe the hardest path ever haha. But anyways, I loved this post and how you took your own spin on the prompt. I’m also honored that my bowling talent made it in.

  3. Erin Marcus Rhodes

    I love the way you look at cultural exchange. With all this tone of political correctness floating around nowadays, its almost looked at as “bad” to talk about culture. Your blog explained (so eloquently) how valuable cultural dialogue can be. Next time we see each other, I’m gonna have to hear more about your culture, but only if you “hear me after I’ve listened” lol I can tell your upbringing is completely different from mine; you growing up in the slums and me growing up on the beautiful streets of Palmer Woods! hahaha I love you, Dom!!!

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