week four – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

week four

Southwest Detroit is rich with culture. It contains a predominantly Mexican population, which is reflected throughout the community. Many of the restaurants serve authentic Mexican food and both English and Spanish can be found all over the community. Through my outreach campaign, I’ve had to use materials written in both English and Spanish to be able to reach more members of the community. I haven’t had the opportunity to interact too much with residents, except for at a community relations meeting at the police station. At this meeting there were people of all ages coming together to help solve the problems of the community. From this, I thought about how differences can bring people together instead of drive people apart when each person’s talents are used with a common goal in mind.

At my work, there are many cultural differences. We all come from very different backgrounds and it is interesting to see how we all work together. Our boss is older than all of the workers and this is something we notice a lot. It is also something that my coworkers and I have bonded over as we try to figure out how to satisfy our boss’s traditional work style. This is similar to the community residents at the police station, as we can use each other’s differences while working together.

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