Week 5: Two Detroits – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Week 5: Two Detroits


When I first saw this article’s title “36 Hours in Detroit,” I instantly thought that I knew I wasn’t going to like the article. I had a feeling that the article would only highlight Midtown, Downtown, New Center Area as being “in Detroit.” All of the positive articles I have read on Detroit have been centered on the gentrification happening in the Downtown area. All of the negative articles about Detroit have been about the neighborhoods outside of the Downtown area. However, this is not the truth. We see more negative things about the neighborhoods of Detroit rather than the positive things like. The sad truth is the media has made people view Detroit as this horrible crime ridden city. While in actuality there are students graduating, doing community service, trying to build up their community. These positive things are often showed at the end of the news and only for 1 minute, if they are shown at all.

While I read this article my hypothesis was becoming true and was true, except the article did talk about Mexican town and Bakers jazz club on 8 mile. However, even the way the article mentioned Mexican town was not okay. They said it is required “to venture off for good seafood,” implying that Downtown is the main Detroit but there are a few good places outside the more appealing Detroit. Even when the article mentioned lodging, all of the recommended places were in the Downtown/Midtown area. I could understand this article better and appreciate its highlights only if every other positive article wasn’t just about the same Downtown area. I never knew that Detroit even had 1500 gardens because that’s something that would not get good media coverage and you would have to do research to figure that out. I would like to see more positive things about other parts of Detroit and not just one.


2 thoughts on “Week 5: Two Detroits”

  1. Leah Janine Spivey

    Hey Calahna! I recently had a discussion about the “Two Detroits”. We talked about the midtown/downtown area compared to the neighborhoods. I agree that there is barely anything positive said about the neighborhoods which is very sad. I feel like it is okay for articles to talk positive about downtown Detroit as long as they talk positive about all the parts of Detroit. The city needs to definitely needs to work on improving all of Detroit!

  2. Hey Calahna,
    I really liked your opinion on this article, not only because it aligned closely with my own views. But I think you represented a real Detroit resident’s point of view that is rarely shown in the media. This blog post shows your honest view of the representation of Detroit as well as the fact that you’re still learning things about the city yourself which I thought was really compelling. Anyways, I’ll see you around.
    – Daria

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