Week #6 – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Week #6

Unfortunately, it feels like we as a program have peaked. We have lost the momentum that we had at the beginning where we would explore different restaurants and areas of Detroit. We have become complacent with our daily routines: work, gym, sleep. But from this routine I have learned a lot about myself/how I want to live. I understand the importance of a routine as well as the importance of diversification. The essential components of my life can be structured but should be sprinkled with new activities and adventures.

This is not to say that the program is getting worse; we have just stopped progressing and exploring. I am sure that we can start again. Even if it doesn’t, my work is hard and fulfilling. I have had to learn an entire software program in a week that most people take semester long classes about. I have learned skills that I can take away from the program which is one of my goals. I have learned about resources that I can use outside of work. I am happy where I am today, and I just hope to improve.

I think that I understand the importance of the Thursday and Tuesday meetings at this stage of the program. They are obligatory opportunities to continue to explore the city/connect to its communities. I hope we make full use of the rest of them.

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