So far this program has been one of the best experiences I have ever had. I love my job because I’ve met so many inspiring people, such as my boss Angie, as well as learned so many things I never would’ve thought about before about the housing market and community development real estate. I started at my community placement having a vague idea of what community development was, and now I am able to recognize and engage with many of the community development partners I’ve met over the course of the last six weeks. I have been so focused on medical school and hard science classes since I started college so this opportunity to take a step back and explore other interests of mine is invaluable. Practicing community engagement and learning from the example set by community development organizations has been very rewarding because it shows me how big of an impact a community can make. I was doing home visits the other day and one of the residents asked me what I’m going to do after I finish my degree at Michigan, specifically if I was going to come back to Woodbridge and do more work with WNDC. I answered her and said I’m not sure where I’ll end up, but this summer working in Woodbridge has taught me so much that wherever I go I will take all the lessons I’ve learned here with me. That was a major realization for me, because it’s true; I have no idea where I’ll end up. I’d love to come back to Woodbridge or to the city of Detroit, but even if I don’t stay here the examples I’ve seen and lessons I have learned will be experiences that I take with me wherever I go.
1 thought on “Week 6”
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Hi Haley,
I’m glad you are enjoying your placement. I feel the same way about my placement. I am grateful that I have this opportunity to interact with different people and hope to continue working in my community.