My time in Detroit has certainly changed my perspective of the city. Being able to witness the dichotomy present within two sectors of the city has impacted my understanding of the city. As the book we read describes these sectors the 7.2 and rest of Detroit. When thinking about this divide it is confusing as to why resources are allotted in such fashion. In my daily interactions with these part of the city, it is infuriating that the rest of Detroit is being denied assistance in efforts to further the agenda of corporations. I believe the push for Gilbert and Illitch ville focuses on location and ignores the investment in individuals. During my time at the community around my placement, I witnessed a true community that cares for neighbors and contributes to the development of the collective. This is one of such many communities that strives to create a better neighborhood but due to negligence on part of the city, those efforts are not supported and this discouraging attitude contributes to the regress of the community. Now it’s not all terrible due to the multiple non-profit organizations who fill the gap but they can’t help every community and this is where the city government should be more helpful. My belief is that the city must improve the conditions of those who currently live there rather than being fixated on how to provide the best experience for those moving into the city. I hope the energizing Detroit has the capacity to not forget those who were there through its worst years, as it brings about a form of exclusionary improvement.