Hey there everyone!
My name is Lauren Pistotti (she/her) and I’m a rising sophomore majoring in Environment, specializing in justice and equality, and minoring in CASC. I’ve interacted with many groups over the years but the ones that have stuck out are the ones that showed a true feeling of trust, interconnections, and a drive for peace and balance for one another. These are the groups that were truly communities, not just people in the same place at the same time.
I see these qualities in the organization that I have the opportunity to serve this summer, DREAM of Detroit. DREAM is a non-profit organization that, from what I’ve seen, focuses on neighborhood revitalization, community engagement, aiding the formerly incarcerated and more while building all of this in tandem with the Islamic faith but also welcoming people from any and all backgrounds. In addition to working on community projects within DREAM, I am also working with Dr. Alisa Perkins from Western Michigan University on the Storytelling Project through DREAM for interviews and their documentary.
I’ve had regular contact with Dr. Perkins for months, only officially starting Monday, but because of her I’ve had the opportunity to listen to interviews and really learn about the community I’m a visitor to which is exactly why I wanted to do community work in Detroit. There is so much history, untold, and hidden stories and lives in Detroit that, if we really payed attention to, we could learn so much from which I’ve seen through DREAM thus far.
I am eager, willing to learn, and more than happy to listen which I think will help me in this fellowship with DREAM. Throughout the summer, I wish to expand my understanding of the intricacies of communities and revitalization. Seeing how the documentary comes together will be especially exciting and I am really looking forward to seeing how everyone’s hard work on DREAM’s annual street fair will show as well!
Until next time, bye!
Hey Lauren, this sounds super exciting!! I am glad you have the opportunity to learn about the city of Detroit under the guidance of such an accomplished person, looking forward to hearing more about your journey in Detroit this summer!