eabell – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program


Hello! I am a rising junior at the University of Michigan. I am studying Political Science with a minor in Moral and Political Philosophy. I am interning at the NSO for the summer and these are my blogs about my experience!

Week 2: Go with the Flow

Hi y’all! Im back again to share about my second week of DCERP. I am in love with my community organization. It’s called the Neighborhood Service Organization (NSO for short) and we work on ending homelessness. This is done through a housing first model which means that people are able to obtain housing with no

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Week 1: A New Beginning

Hello all! My name is Erin Abell (she/her) and I am a rising junior studying Political Science and Moral Philosophy. I had some major technical difficulties but I’m very excited to finally share about my first week of DCERP! To me, “community” means a safe environment where you are able to be authentically yourself. It

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