Perks of Attending Meetings – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Perks of Attending Meetings

It is so refreshing to meet professionals who are knowledgeable and passionate about their work — especially in Detroit. I know people really hate going to meetings because they’re “boring”, “impractical”, and “time-wasting”. But for me as an intern, I thoroughly enjoy them! There is just so much out there to learn that goes beyond just academics — my observant nature tends to notice demeanor, tone, attitude, outfit, etc. This week, I attended a workshop at the UofM Detroit Center hosted by Data, Driven, Detroit who has actually helped with our RESTORE NED project quite a bit. I’ve noticed the nonprofit world is small as well, I keep seeing some of the same people and organizations, the more meetings I go to. At this presentation, these two architecture professors from UofM were present as well and even though I might not fully understand all the work they’re doing, I can tell they believe in it.

Things at Nortown continuously stay busy as we are working on the issue of Ned’s Notes which is the 12-page newspaper we are making from scratch. It has been kind of fun as it has forced me to become a rising Graphic Artist! I’ve been using the virtual site to connect to our server to use Photoshop and as someone with no expertise in it, I’ve been finding it pretty fun to learn it myself. I am learning something new about myself…I either like this field or I enjoy figuring things out for myself, haha; there’s a great feeling of accomplishment. If there was more time, I think I would take of the challenge of being able to fully lay out the newspaper myself.

2 thoughts on “Perks of Attending Meetings”

  1. I like meetings too! At least when people are being agreeable and willing to get things done haha. They can be pretty informative/interesting.

    It’s so cool that you’re learning Photoshop (I prob need to learn it at some point — it seems really useful), making a newspaper sounds like a useful skill too! It’s great that you like what you’re doing!

  2. My org uses Data Driven as well to look at things like ownership of a property, foreclosures and etc! Its really great that this internship is helping you learn about yourself and by the way making a news paper sounds really fun! =)

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