Week One: Letter to Myself – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Week One: Letter to Myself

Dear future Marlee,

Welcome to Detroit! You’re off to a slow start, but hopefully things will pick up and your time can be put to good use. I know you’ve always wanted to experience a taste of  city life, and Detroit is a good place for you to start. It’s time to experience a different way of life.  A completely unfamiliar environment could be fun! I have a lot of expectations for you these next ten weeks. First of all, I want you to enjoy yourself and immerse yourself in new experiences that the city has to offer. Try new restaurants, meet new people, go new places! Don’t limit yourself because everything is unknown and intimidating. More importantly, you have a lot to learn from your placement at the Highland Park Collaborative. You also have a lot to contribute! Use your passion and past experiences with community aid to help this organization on their mission to support every HP child from cradle to career. Gain leaderships skills, network with Detroit natives active in their communities, and build yourself into a stronger force academically and socially. Detroit could be an awesome place to do an internship, but it’s what you make it really!

All my best,

Present Marlee

1 thought on “Week One: Letter to Myself”

  1. I love the positivity you have for the upcoming weeks. Being in a new place can be nerve racking but keep up this positivity and I believe you will enjoy your stay here!

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