Well… I was right. Nothing went as I had expected. More strange things happened over the next nine weeks and I could’ve never predicted how it would’ve ended.
I’ve learned something new every day. I’m not exaggerating when I say this and that’s part of the reason why I really don’t want my time here to end. I’m experiencing so many new things and my view never seems to stop expanding. I had a completely new experience today with only one day left with my community partner.
How am I supposed to keep learning so many meaningful lessons if I have to leave? It makes me sad to think about all of the things I’ll be missing when I leave and how much more I could’ve experienced.
I truly gained an insight into Detroit that will never leave me, but I feel as though I’ve only skimmed the surface of an incredible city and community that has so many things to offer. There are many efforts happening all the time to bring back the city and while some of these acts may seem small, the passion is always unyielding.
I could not have predicted how much these past ten weeks could’ve done for me. While I went into the program looking to make a difference in the community and within my organization, I left with the two making a greater impact on me.
As I thought to myself of a cliche or witty title for my final blog post, I thought of the phrase “all good things must come to an end”. Upon choosing the title, I thought to myself… What? Why? Why is this a thing that needs to be true? I don’t want my “good thing” to come to an end.
I know I will continue to work towards keeping in contact with my amazing coworkers who’ve made my internship experience so unforgettable. Although I will be participating in the engaged urban design program in the fall, I know it won’t be the same not being in the office with them. I will work hard to find time to come back. I will come back to the under-appreciated, underestimated city that has stolen my heart and I will continue to spread the Detroit love.
I was glad to know you enjoyed Detroit!