What’s up Charlie – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

What’s up Charlie

Move in was fantastic. You met most of the people in your cohort and they’re all amazing people ready to embark on this summer’s experiences with you. That being said, what are the experiences that you plan on having this summer? In such a short period of time, it could be easy to get caught up and not pay attention to your experiences. That is why you need to be mindful of everything that happens.


Your internship sounds amazing. Getting your badge and your desk assignment will be amazing and make you feel super professional. Although your position does not seem very clear or set in stone right now, Focus: HOPE is such an amazing organization with passionate people that anything that you wind up doing will be incredible. Stick with your crew!!!!! Even if you’ve experienced something before or it’s the first time, experiencing it with people from your group gives you a perspective that is unique and will help make this summer one of understanding.


Detroit is a very strange place for you rn. The city seems to be changing and it’s unclear what your place is in it, how the city will continue forward, and what other’s roles will be and who will benefit. However, Focus: HOPE seems to keep these kinds of things in mind so it will be interesting to see in what way they can shape your view. Being with people who are experiencing Detroit for the first time will hopefully give you a fresh perspective on the way the city is changing and allow you to understand better how to live in a city with such rampant inequality and troubles.

Jenna’s cool!!! She’s really lookin out for us and brings a fresh new face to our gatherings.

Good luck Charlie!!!!!!!!!!


2 thoughts on “What’s up Charlie”

  1. audreymgilmour

    I really appreciate your perspective of Detroit as someone that has grown up during a period of such change and hopefully we can learn from it as much as you can learn from us!

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