In my feeling – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

In my feeling

My personal feelings to this article is respect. I respected this article due to the perspective it has pertaining to the new investments into the city. It goes into to depth regarding to the death the city had and how the investments were a tool used for said debt. “ It filed on July 18, 2013, and after 16 months in bankruptcy court, the city was allowed to shed roughly half of its debt.” Leading to one of the reason I respect the article showing how the investment into the city was useful as it lead to finical benefits for the city of Detroit. Before this Detroit had a high number of bankruptcy. As well as a moderate rate of unemployed, All which changed due to the investment. Seen as the unemployment rate dropped from 22% to 4% and there is renovation to city, “ …has renovated 40 neighborhood parks.”  When I evaluate finical stability the city now has there a perceptive I have that happy. Being the city is finally growing and becoming the great, Then there’s the part of me that’s sad. Being that the city doesn’t look the same anymore. The way the building look; the way the walks ways flow; the way the population changed. It doesn’t look like Detroit anymore.

Due to Detroit  becoming an entirely new city why I respected said article but do not like the article. The article address how there still work that need to be done due to poverty still being high, 46%; however, It is not explained that the reason due to this still existing poverty is because investors choose to one, not invest in the areas that truly need investments. Two, aren’t from the city so they don’t know the problems of the city due to the fact they’re not from the city they’re investing in. These are problems not discussed in the article. The article simply touches on the effects of poverty and why it’s detrimental. By ignoring the cases of the existing poverty you ignore those it effects. As a result, I can’t like it

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